Failstacking Chart

Now it s funny people saying i got this many fs on this many fs etc etc this is the kinda of player that don t enchant much and when look at tables like this they think it s all.
Failstacking chart. Black desert online bdo bartering guide 2020. Safe enhance to 5. You can t exceed a 90 enhancement success chance unless you use a safe method like force enhance.
Use 6 or more fail stacks maximum of 15 to get 9. Softcap button uses failstack softcap values based on mshr chart. We re going to assume that you are totally new to bdo for this guide though and walk you through the first steps of enhancing all the way into making your ultimate pen gear in a few years as well as talk about different kinds of equipment weapons armor accessories lifeskill clothes horse gear etc.
Failstack charts have been a part of black desert online since the very beginning with all sorts of player theories and tin foil about the best failstacks to use for greater success during enhancement. Black desert online failstack calculator with enhance simulator. Before softcap threshold failstacks are equal.
Now the fog has lifted and everyone can view enhancement chance in the enhancement window. Use 8 or more fail stacks maximum of 17 to get 11. After softcap threshold failstacks are less effective.
Green grade item enhancement charts enhancement chance of green weapons. Use 0 or more fail stacks to get 6. Failstack charts show enhancement success chances for each failstack.
Calculate optimal failstacks for accessories weapons and armors. Enhancement success rate percentages were revealed in a patch on january 16th 2019. Because you asked for a chart with success percentages.
I do mass enchants because i try tet in mass every couple of weeks or so. For pri and above there is no durability vs enhancement option. It isnt taking the item prices or rarity into consideration why waste time and silver failstacking for a green weapon armor or coral accesories when you can get them really easy from the market which most of the times is cheaper and faster.
Use 7 or more fail stacks maximum of 16 to get 10. It s interesting to see that the numbers are virtually the same as for boss weapons. Use 3 or more fail stacks to get 8.
So rest assured any information you need about enhancing in black. Black desert online bdo enhancement failstacking guide for beginners duration. I didnt i was just stating that the first chart was poorly done which it is.
No matter how many failstacks you have all unsafe gear enhancement has at least a 10 chance of failure. Every enhance is capped at 90. Failstack charts is a part of black desert online and you can get all black desert online charts and bdo enhancement guide of 2020 here for free how to black desert online failstack chart bdo enhancement guide.